Friday, March 29, 2013

A Smaller Waist Can Be Yours

The Holidays have come and gone, there has been much celebration, quality time spent with families and lots of memorable moments. As we roll into another year filled with hope and determination and a fresh list of New Years goals in our sights, ninety percent of us probably included a goal regarding health and exercise.

Which area do you suppose it is? What is the one area on the body that by making another area larger it looks smaller? Okay I'll tell you...the waist. By increasing the size of your shoulders and back you can create the illusion of having a smaller waist. Now granted this is fantastic if you are a bodybuilder and don't mind your latisimus dorsi (back muscles down the sides of your body) looking like Bruce Lee's. Men may not have an issue with that idea but most women aren't going for that look. While lifting weights specifically for your back and shoulder muscles will help to give the illusion of a smaller waist, in this article I will address other ways to achieve the goal of reducing your midsection.

The first step is to make peace with the body type and waist size you were born with and then take the appropriate steps towards shaping up what you have. Your waist size is essentially predetermined by your ribs and hip bone skeletal structure while the rest of your waist size is a result of how much fatty tissue surrounds the area. No one likes to hear that you must lose the fat to gain the prize because we all know it means things in our lives have to change.

How many of us happily gravitate towards change? Yes, it's true...change is hard, but without change, things, including your waist measurement, will stay the same. The reality is that the body has a mind of its own when left undisciplined. But with a bit of discipline and some old fashioned hard work you can become the master of your body. A smaller, tighter midsection and stronger core are all within your reach if you are ready to do what it takes. Before I discuss what you must do to reduce your waist size let's dispel some misconceptions that exist regarding this topic.

#1 Breathing exercises will shrink your waist

While it is true that breathing and diagrammatic exercises will tighten your tummy they will not reduce the body fat that expanded your tummy to begin with.

#2 Electronic Abdominal Exercise Belts will give you a six pack

These belts do nothing more than reduce the size of your wallet. Fortunately, most of the companies that lied in their claims on TV infomercials are now being sued in a class action suit for their false claims.

#3 Hundreds of crunches a day will give you a smaller waist

As a competitive fitness model, if this were true I should have the smallest waist on the planet. Unfortunately, I do not. I was born with wide hips and thus the size of my waist is proportionate to that fact. No matter how many crunches or leg lifts you do you cannot crunch your way to a tiny midsection. The fat around the waist needs to be shed before you will ever see the results of all those crunches.

Now that we know what doesn't work for obtaining a smaller waist, let's get to what does work.

Choose A Goal

First you must choose your goal. I will always sing the praises of goal setting. Why? Because it really does work. Okay, now that you've chosen a goal, write it down! Remember, seeing it in front of you each day in black and white makes all the difference. Do you want to lost five pounds overall? Do you want to just get a smaller waist so your pants aren't so tight? Do you want a smaller waist but also a stronger core (abdominal and back strength as a unit)? What's your goal? Whatever it is, choose it now.

Every goal in life usually takes hard work to get it and this is no different. If it were easy, America wouldn't have the obesity epidemic it has and everyone would have a waist the size of Pamela Anderson or Cher (and no I don't believe the rumor that she had a rib removed to reduce her waist size). So if you're ready to commit to the work here are some action steps to help you achieve a smaller waist.


The most important thing is not to skip meals so that when you finally eat you eat large unbalanced meals. Ideally, you should graze throughout the day. Small but frequent meals are one of the keys to a smaller waist. If you continuously train your stomach to expand with large meals, eventually it will permanently extend to accommodate this eating pattern. Small meals throughout the day (3 to 4 with a snack in between) will keep you satiated and your stomach won't have to keep expanding to allow room for the overabundance of food.

Also, eat slowly. Chew your food as this will aid in the digestion process. The slower you eat the sooner the brain will be able to register when you are full. You must allow time for this to occur. We tend to overeat when we eat in a rush. Try to make meal times relaxed. Be sure to eat a diet full of vegetables, grains, lean proteins and some good fats.

One last great tip, eat your last meal 2 to 3 hours before bedtime. This will give your body time to begin the digestion process before you lay down for bed and all your bodily functions begin to slow down. This simple habit will truly make a difference.


Probably the most important element on this mission to a smaller waist is that you begin to include exercise, cardiovascular as well as weight training, to your daily routine. If you want a great beginner's weight training routine, refer to our last issue of this magazine in my column or go online and look under "exercise programs for beginners" or whatever level you may be at.

Obviously, if you are carrying excess body fat around your waist the only way to make your waist smaller is by losing that fat. You must begin an exercise routine right away. Additionally, cardiovascular exercise needs to become your friend. Whether it is, walking at a brisk pace, jogging, biking, tennis, hiking, whatever it is, you need at least three days a week for thirty to sixty minutes a day to make a dent in the fat loss goal. Please be rigorous and ask yourself these questions as you do this cardio exercise. Are you working up a sweat? Are you feeling challenged? Are your glad when it's over? If you answered yes to these three questions, chances are your doing the cardio work at an appropriate level to encourage fat loss and changes in your body. Otherwise, why bother. Don't just go through the motions, do the work and the results will be yours!

Area Specific Exercises

I know in the beginning of this article I said all the crunches in the world wouldn't give you a smaller waist but once the excess fat is gone from your midsection, yes, abdominal exercises and core strengthening moves will give you the finishing touch to a tighter and smaller waist. I will describe three excellent exercises for working the midsection and core strength. Of course there are many others, but start with these and add others as you progress. Include these exercises 2-3 times per week with your new fitness program.

Basic Crunch (front abdominals)

Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Gently clasp your hands behind your head. Never pull on your neck. Slowly, curl up bringing your shoulders off the floor about 6-10 inches. Consciously tighten your midsection as you lift. Be sure to exhale as you curl up. Slowly lower. Repeat 15-20 times. Do three sets.

Twisting Crunches (side abdominals)

Begin in the same position as the basic crunch but this time bring your knees up, feet off the floor. With your hands clasped behind your head twist your upper body so your right elbow meets your left knee. Squeeze, then return to starting position. Now twist your body so that your left elbow meets your right knee. Squeeze and return to starting position. Repeat 10-15 times on each side. Do three sets.

Plank (core strength)

Lie face down on the floor. Place your hands and wrists directly under your shoulders. Press your toes into the floor. Firmly with total body strength, press up until your arms are locked out straight and your body is in a nearly straight line (as if you're about to do a push up). This is the movement. Simply hold this position for 15 seconds to start with. Then slowly lower down to the floor. Repeat three times. Work up to 30 second holds. This movement is an excellent core strengthener and will tighten many muscles if done regularly.

Follow the above suggestions and you should be well on your way to obtaining the waist size you desire, providing it's a realistic goal. Remember, there is no magic pill to any health and fitness desire. The only way to get there is through hard work, commitment and discipline. There is truly no better feeling than reaching your goal and knowing you did whatever it took to get there. So go for it...start today!

Rebecca Kordecki is available for fitness coaching/consultations and speaking engagements. Please visit for more information.

A new on the network site

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Do You Really Want To Lose Weight?

It seems to me that this is a fair question because most people don't actually want to do the things that are necessary to lose weight. I've seen it for my entire life. Infomercials selling products that will supposedly help you lose weight. Commercials for some pill that you can take to help you lose weight. And women and men that are on all manifestation of diet to help them lose weight. All of this while skirting around the truth of what really needs to be done to lose weight.

I mean, for god's sake, everyone knows how to lose weight, but very few people have any interest in actually doing it. They want the next fad diet that will enable them to lose weight while pretty much doing what they normally do. That or they want to cut out bread and eat an entire package of bacon for breakfast and say they're on a diet. Does anyone actually have an interest in losing weight? Or is it more like what I suspect? You want to change your weight without really changing anything.

I suspect that you would like to change your weight without really changing anything. Kind of like the people that say they want to get rich from this or that, but they really don't want to engage in the work necessary to be rich. Maybe people just want to bitch about these things not working? Maybe that's the ultimate goal.

Because if you would truly like to lose weight, all you have to do is eat right and exercise. That's it. Losing weight is as simple as that. Simply eat right and exercise. Am I talking about eating nothing but tofu and carrots? Am I talking about jogging 10 miles a day for exercise? Hell no! I'm simply talking about eating right and exercising.

We all know what eating right means. Your favorite restaurant can no longer be a restaurant with a drive through. You can't sit down to watch television with a bad of Doritos and crush a six-pack of beer. Eating right. You don't have to be a nutritionist to know what eating right means. And exercising. I'm not talking about training for a 10k. How about a walk around the block? Or rather than parking as close to the super center as possible, why not park in the back of the parking lot and walk to the store? And it's a funny thing about getting exercise, once your body starts it likes it and will want to do it more.

The bottom line is that if you really want to lose weight stop kidding yourself and buying into all of the hype out there. There is no better way to lose weight than eating right and exercising. Stop tiptoeing around the truth and just handle your business. You'll be glad that you did.

Related articles site about weight loss

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Вокзал очистили от киосков

Киевские власти продолжают демонтаж МАФов на оживленных улицах города. В четверг, 20 мая, очередь дошла до киосков напротив здания Центрального железнодорожного вокзала столицы.

Около 11 часов утра к МАФам, "сгрудившимся" на остановке общественного транспорта, подъехал грузовик с краном, продавцам предъявили документы "на выселение" и, не дожидаясь пока те освободят торговые точки от товара, стали подводить под киоски металлические тросы.

В это же время подъехал автобус с сотрудниками милиции - как сказали, "на всякий случай".

"Нас должны были предупредить за три дня, но никаких уведомлений не предоставили. Думаю, в КП "Киевблагоустройство" опасаются протестов, поэтому работают без предупреждения. Сейчас выгружаем товар просто на улицу, - сокрушается владелец МАФа Дмитрий Курас. - Эти киоски были установлены согласно программе благоустройства остановок, с разрешения властей… Я не буду подавать в суд - это бессмысленно".

Представители КП "Киевблагоустройство", работавшие на объекте, заявили, что действуют в рамках закона.

"Этот киоск нарушает безопасность на остановке. Вокруг МАФа располагаются холодильники, обходить которые пешеходам нужно по проезжей части, - сказал специалист первой категории Сергей Скуратовский. - Сейчас киоск увезут на штрафплощадку на Оболонь".

Теперь ларьки можно будет вернуть, только если владелец оплатит демонтаж и простой киосков на штрафплощадке. Но на прежнее место они уже не вернутся

Reference to the source омоложение организма травами медицинское оборудование киев для урологии проекты спа салонов мятный спирт аффирмации луиза хей диетология все о косметике холестериномеры травы в лечении гепатита с

Sunday, March 17, 2013

4 Myths That Keep You From Ever Getting Ripped Six-Pack Abs Fast

Many trainers, diet companies and workout equipment infomercials will tell you whatever you need to hear on how to get ripped six-pack abs fast, so you will buy their stuff. When in reality, almost everything they are telling you is completely false. And is just meant to get you to invest in their program. Leaving you with the same belly you had before, if not worse, and less money in your pocket book. Does this sound like the road you want to take? I sure don't!

Well, if you want to avoid this road there are going to be certain myths that these companies tell you, that you need to identify right away. So when you hear em' you run away.

Myth 1: Low Calorie, Turn-Key Diet Systems: This one gets me laughing every time because it flies in the face of logic. Getting ripped six pack abs will never happen this way. In fact, the biggest rule in, if you ever want to see your abs, has to do with getting your metabolism the highest possible. And you can't do that when your starving because you will end up wasting away muscle, which is the key factor in having a high metabolic rate.

Myth 2: Fat Burning Pills Are Necessary To Get Ripped Six Pack Abs: Supplement companies laugh all the way to the bank on this one. This is because, while fat burners might raise your metabolism, a little bit, they really don't do anything to cure what is really wrong. That being your habits... Eating, Training, Lifestyle etc. You see until you can develop solid routines in each of these area's that allow your belly fat to disappear, you won't see your abs.

Myth 3: You Need Expensive In-Home Equipment To Get Ripped Six Pack Abs: I'm a big proponent of having a gym membership You should to, if you are serious about your fitness goals. And that's because its a lot easier than doing it without weights and equipment. Having said that, I don't agree with any of the machines that are pitched on TV. Most of them do nothing but end up sitting in garages across the world. Not only that but most of them cost a arm and a leg.

Be smart next time, and know that getting the body you want takes hard work and basic equipment you can get at any local gym for a couple bucks a month.

Myth 4: To Get Ripped Six Pack Abs, All I Have To Do Is Cardio All Day: This, is actually true. But not the whole truth. When you do cardio at steady state levels for 40min to 1hr you don't get the full benefit that you could be getting. And for the majority of people you could actually be damaging your chances of ever losing belly fat.

Ever noticed the differences between marathon runners and high level sprinters? The sprinter will have a leaner and more muscle dense physique while the marathon runner will usually have no ripped six pack in sight. This is because sprinters get a high metabolic response through intense short bouts, and the body agrees with this best and lets you lose fat. As with the endurance runner, the body is in a catabolic state and thinks its under attack so it holds on to fat to save itself.

Your body is very smart, just in case you didn't know...

This is why most endurance athletes actually end up gaining fat while they train up to their event.

To get ripped six pack abs fast you need to have all the common factors working for you... Eating, training and rest. If you do this and adapt it for your lifestyle, time available and habits. There will come a day very soon that you will be packing a ripped mid-section.

Interesting article on the subject How To Increase Your Metabolism - Workout Routines For Weight Loss
calorie diet in weight loss myths
Quick and Easy Tips For Losing Weight
Why have success with my weight loss
Fat Loss and Weight Loss Effectively

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Промсвязьбанк — разновидности кредитов

ОАО «Промсвязьбанк» — это один из крупнейших отечественных банков, который входит в десятку ведущих банковских учреждений страны. На российском кредитном рынке банковское учреждение предлагает такие виды ссуд:

Потребительский кредит — предоставляемый АКБ Промсвязьбанком физическим и корпоративным лицам для приобретения товаров и услуг с задержкой платежа за полученные услуги и товары, с будущим возмещением заимствованных денег и процентной ставки по ним.

Банковские кредитки — более современная разновидность потребительского кредита, которые позволяют приобретать различные вещи без дополнительного визита в банковское учреждение с расходным лимитом с последующим компенсацией взятых сумм кредитной организации.

Основными задачами кредиток являются получение наличных в банкоматах или отделении ОАО «Промсвязьбанка», а также отзывы о банках в отделениях кредитных организациях партнерах. Помимо этого кредитки Промсвязьбанка дают возможность проводить безнальные переводы денежных средств, а также оплачивать оплаты различных товаров. Заявка На Кредит.

В Промсвязьбанке широко представлено ипотечное кредитование. Программа ипотеки позволяет купить жилье без использования личных денежных средств, с помощью ресурсов банковского учреждения, с дальнейшим возвратом использованных заемных средств под незначительную процентную ставку. В залогом выступает приобретаемый объект недвижимости. В тоже время, объект залога подлежит страхованию от нанесения повреждений, помимо этого подлежит страхованию состояние здоровья взявшего ипотечный кредит.